Helping adoption professionals find Birthmothers!
In 1999, after doing five of our own adoptions, we began advertising for others upon request. Within a few years we were advertising for several adoption agencies and attorneys. We now operate the largest advertising service in the field of domestic adoption and work with a number of adoption professionals across the country.
We have gotten very good at what we do: each year between 125 and 150 families get their forever child through our advertising. We have high ethical standards and thus the placement rate for our birthmothers that are matched with adoptive families has averaged around 75-80%. We have made the transition from phonebook advertising to the internet and several other venues.
Our staff is educated and knowledgeable with their own adopted children. With two decades of experience we know the ups and downs and risks involved with adoption. We do everything we can to minimize fall-throughs through verifications, extensive background paperwork and psychological profiling. We also provide guidance with case management at no extra cost.
If you are an adoption professional with perspective adoptive families or birthmother housing and are looking for an advertising partner, contact us.
Open Adoptions
Open Adoption means different things to different people. Many of our Birthmothers like the idea of open adoption. If your clients can honestly offer this kind of relationship to a Birthmother, it will increase their odds of placement. We know the importance of offering this to our Birthmothers and the positive impact it will have during the adoption process and beyond.
We have found it particularly helpful as our adoptive children have grown up and want to know about their background. Most of our 8 adopted children and 11 adopted grandchildren have some level of contact with their birth parents and many have met them. It has never been a problem and in several cases it has been very helpful.
We have found that many Birthmothers feel more comfortable with this type of adoption. It is not co-parenting but many Birthmothers want to know how their child is doing as he/she grows up. This is something that you as the Adoptive Parent control after the adoption is complete. Most adopted children want to know and understand why they were adopted. Several of our adult adopted children have had reunions with their Birth Parents and have found it beneficial.
Minority Adoptions
We have a heart for minority adoptions with eight of our own. We want every child to get a loving home—this includes racial minorities and handicapped children. At all costs we would like to keep children out of foster care and give them loving parents. We also understand the popularity of adopting different and mixed race babies.
The climate for accepting racial minorities has improved dramatically in this country. Thirty years ago when we first adopted across the color line we had some problems, but now it has become very common with about half of our adoptions being with minority children.
A willingness to accept a minority child will greatly increase your chances for a baby.
How long will it take for one of my families to be matched?
This will depend on your budget and other particulars that your client may have. For each specification that you add (i.e. boy only, late term only, no drug use, race specific, or traveling to birthmother housing) it will take a little longer.
What are the odds of one of my prospective adoptive couple to get a baby?
100% if they don’t give up. The overall likelihood of any given situation is 75-80%. We do have a refund policy.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of matching with a Birthmother early in her pregnancy?
There is less competition for Birthmothers in their second trimester than those in their third. Your clients have to wait longer and there may be more living expenses, but statistically there is not much difference in their rate of placement. There are several advantages: your client will get a chance to know the birthmother better and build a good relationship with her. This will allow access to a wealth of information about their child’s background that a late term situation may not.
About Us
We are friendly, competent and professional. But what you will appreciate most is our empathy. Adoption can be trying; we know this because we have been through it a number of times ourselves. And we’ll help you and your client through it as well.
Jody, Business Manager: BA Psychology NCSU, 1 yr. grad. school; father of 18, nine of which were adopted; 20 years working in the field of adoption; co-founder of Casa de Sion.
Sarah, Director / Agency Coordinator / Spanish Caseworker: MSW in clinical therapy Columbia Univ.; 13 years of living in the world of adoption and 15+ years working in the field including birthmother housing; adoptive mother.
Bethany, Advertising Assistant: BS Business Marketing BYU-Idaho; 13 years living in the field of adoption and 13+ years working in the field. Adoptive Mother.
Flossie, Caseworker / Technical Coordinator / Financial Assistant: BS Accounting VA Tech; 13 years living in the field of adoption and 15+ years working in the field.
Scotia, Assistant Caseworker: 18 years living in the field of adoption. Adoptive sister and aunt.
Our Founders: Vicki & Jody Dalia
We have birthmothers ready to match with your clients. Contact us today!
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